Helping everyone in newham to live well
Information and support to look after your health and wellbeing.
Find local services

Find services in Newham that can support your health and wellbeing journey.
Download our 5 ways to a healthier life booklet
This booklet has information on 5 ways to a healthier life and the FREE services in Newham to support your health and wellbeing.
Healthy Money
Find out where you can get support with housing, managing your money, finding a job.
Healthy Home

Find out where you can get support with staying independent, report crimes and issues in the community and stay safe.
Healthy Ageing

We are committed to making Newham a great place to grow older.
Family Health

Find out where you can get advice, guidance and support for your family.
Well Newham Partners

Find out about useful resources and training, as well as how you can get involved in Well Newham if you work in Newham.