Healthy Home

Help with housing

Man speaking to a woman offering help

Newham Council has many different Housing services you can access to support you to find the right home for you, to help with repairs and to give you advice and support.

Help with money

Man getting money out of an ATM

Worrying about money can be very stressful and can really impact your mental and physical health.

Domestic Abuse

Red phone

If you are in immediate danger, call 999.

Find out how to get support.

Help getting online

Person scrolling social media

We are in a world where most things you need to do are now online. If you can use a computer, browse the internet and fill out online forms, this will help you to be able to do more practical things on your own.

Support for carers

Man sat with his carer in the garden drinking tea

Caring for someone can be challenging and stressful. It’s important that you look after your wellbeing as a carer and to know who you can go to for support when you need help.

Staying independent

An older couple are cooking together with a younger lady who is helping them in the kitchen

If you or someone you know needs some help with everyday tasks, there is lots of support out there.

Help filling out forms

Person filling out a paper form

Sometimes you know what support you need, but getting the support can be a little difficult it you have to fill out online forms or complicated applications. These services can help you with form filling if you need it.

Keeping safe

2 women taking a walk through the garden

Find out how to stay safe out and about and report concerns.

Cost of Living support

Cost of Living logo

Find out where to get Cost of Living support in Newham.