Age Friendly Employer

The Age-Friendly Employer Pledge is a nationwide programme for employers who:

  • Recognise the importance and value the older workers
  • Are committed to improving work for people in their 50+
  • Are prepared to take action to help them flourish in a multi-generational workforce

Becoming an Age-Friendly Employer is a journey. By signing the pledge, you are not committing to changing your organisation overnight. You are committing to take one action (big or small) every year. For more information, here is the full framework.

Sign the pledge

The framework

How to start your pledge

What needs to be done after you pledge

How Newham Council is an age-friendly employer

What happens after you sign the pledge?

What motivated Newham Council to join the network?

What support Newham received with joining?

What the benefits are for being part of the network?

Newham’s key Age-Friendly activities and successes

Sign the pledge