Coping with bereavement

Coping with the loss of a loved one is one of the most difficult things to happen in our lives.

During times of grief, there is somebody you can talk to and organisations that offer a range of support.

In Newham, there are various services who can support you.

At a Loss bereavement service directory

At a Loss logo

AtaLoss is a registered charity that provides the UK’s award winning bereavement signposting and information website. This connects with and brings together over 2,000 local and national bereavement services, filtered according to preference, location and need, as well as practical information and advice.

Muslim Bereavement Support Service

Muslim Bereavement Support Service logo

We are a non-profit organisation serving the Muslim community by supporting bereaved women who have lost a loved one.

Supporting Humanity Free Funeral Services

Cemetery with flowers

Losing a loved one is emotionally, physically and mentally difficult. you are not alone, we are here for you. At Supporting Humanity, we help by liaising with hospitals, local authorities and registrars. All bereavement service are free of charge.

Register a death

Newham Council logo

Dealing with the death of someone you care for is a difficult time. We aim to make it as easy as possible and our staff will help guide you through the process.

A death must be registered before a funeral can take place. It must be registered within five days in the local authority are in which it took place.

Child Bereavement Helpline and Newham Specific Team

Child bereavement uk logo

Child Bereavement UK supports families and educates professionals when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.

National Helpline: 0800 028 8840

Psychological support for people with birth trauma or loss

ELFT logo

OCEAN (Offering Compassionate Emotional Support for those Living Through Birth Trauma & Birth Loss) is an integrated maternity and mental health service providing support for those affected by birth loss or birth trauma.

Grief in Pieces: Support for Suicide Loss

Safe connections logo

Many people bereaved by suicide find that they need more specific support than that provided for bereavement in general and can find it particularly valuable to make use of support groups and other forms of support and understanding that are especially designed for people bereaved by suicide.

Browse all bereavement services in Newham

Man sat on the edge of a bed looking sad

Browse our directory.

Useful resources