Sexual Health

You can now order a free NHS home test kit for Hepatitis C.

If you don't treat Hepatitis C, it can cause life-threatening conditions like liver cancer or liver failure. 

Even though fewer people are getting hepatitis C now, more needs to be done to stop new people getting it and to stop people who have hepatitis C from giving it to other people. 

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a medicine that can prevent HIV. PrEP is for people who are HIV negative and at risk of getting HIV. PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV through sexual contact by 99% and reduces risk of HIV infection by 74% among people who inject drugs as long as is taken as prescribed by health professional.

Implant is a very small rod that is placed under your skin by trained nurse or doctor. It releases the hormone progesterone to your blood stream to stop you from getting pregnant. It last for 3 years. It is 99% effective if inserted properly. It is a reversible form of contraception and can be removed at any time.

Condoms are the only type of contraception that can prevent both pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). If used correctly, condoms are up to 98% effective. Condoms are a ‘barrier’ method of contraception, as they physically prevent sperm from reaching the uterus, so you cannot get pregnant. 

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus which can be passed on through sexual health contact, needle sharing or other drug injection equipment. HIV can also be passed on to baby during pregnancy or with breast milk. 

HIV is a virus that damages your immune system so it makes you more vulnerable to infections. HIV can be life threatening, however when early diagnosed can be treated. Although there's no cure for HIV, there are medicines that help people with HIV live longer, healthier lives.

Emergency hormonal contraception (otherwise known as the morning after pill or the second day pill) can stop you from getting pregnant after unprotected sexual intercourse, when you missed your pill or when the condom you used split. 

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), are caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites which may pass from person to person in blood, semen, vaginal and other body fluids.