Activities and Support for Disabled Residents

Eating well is a great way to make sure you age well. Eating a healthy diet can stop you from getting ill as you get older, so you can be independent for longer. 

As we get older, it can be hard to get the food we need to keep us as healthy as possible.   

On this page you can find

  • Advice and support for doing online shopping
  • Ideas of providers who do pre-prepared meals
  • Support for staying independent at home
  • Advice and resources on this page for how to eat for specific health conditions.

We are committed to making this website as accessible as possible for all Newham residents.

This website has been made mobile first so it's as easy as possible to use on your smartphone.

It has also been built to AA accessibility guidelines so it works perfectly with any software you may use, like screen readers.

If there's anything we can do to be more accessible for you, please contact us at

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There are lots of services available to help you keep well during the colder months.

As well as getting vaccinated there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of catching and spreading winter illnesses: